Unlimited Colors

Flex is distributed with six preset styles. Each can be customized in the “Presets” Settings to individualize the template text, background and mayor colors, and in the Layout Builder, you can use unlimited color combination for every part of your template!

Self Hosted Videos

AP Smart LayerSlider supports self hosted, youtube & vimeo videos.


Blog smarter.

Go farther.

Flex is coming with 8 post formats: standard, video, gallery, audio, link, quote, status and custom (new). Each can be customized in the Article Manager to individualize your feel for blogging.

Our Latest Posts

A rich, highly flexible and visually diverse template.

Fish That Herb Was Every Light

Tree make in spirit give. Good winged doesn't image won't bearing won't. Female us saying. Set fifth land fill image...

Category: Posts

They're Day Sixth

His fruit above they're very grass doesn't there. Is him greater days air years. Wherein. Fourth air in waters midst...

Category: Posts

‘Patio’ - Outstanding Flamenco Guitar

Following has meticulously recorded six different acoustic instruments: a steel-string guitar, twelve-string, nylon...

Category: Posts

Sea Yielding Him Moving

Meat wherein after female own forth it seas lights behold void. Him fifth made set above our blessed abundantly, you....

Category: Posts

Big Rethoric Hometown Ran

Even the all-powerful Pointing from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they...

Category: Posts

The Art of Making, Alma Flamenca

The ‘Art of Making’ series aspires to display and highlight people who go against the spirit of today’s pessimism and...

Category: Posts

Single-Origin Coffee Master

Replenish bearing behold itself seas appear, image kind stars lights bearing. Form evening good green. Fill signs from...

Category: Posts

iZem in Brazil

“I fell in love with Brazilian music via a Jorge Ben vinyl bought in Paris in the early 2000's. His sound was clearly...

Category: Posts

Video Background...
with “Major Color” overlay!

Flex has a set of features, options and tools make it the most versatile theme on the market by allowing you to take control of virtually every aspect and section of the site. The powerful customization options & features give you flexibility to create the site you want.

Our Latest Photos

Lightbox Gallery with Masonry.
  • Item 7
  • Vertical Image 1
  • Item 3
  • Item 4
  • Vertical Image 2
  • Item 5
  • Item 11
  • Item1
  • Item 8
  • Item 9
  • Vertical Image 3
  • Item 10
  • Vertical Image 5
  • Item 6
  • Item 12
  • Vertical Image 4
  • Item 13
  • Item 14
  • Item 15
  • Item 16

Stunning, Anything Else You Got There?


Flex is an ideal platform for users of all levels, whether beginners or web professionals. The administrative interface is both simple to use, intuitive and highly flexible, allowing for swift and extensive changes. An approach to web design aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience and engage worldwide methodologies with web-enabled technology.

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All demo content is for sample purposes only, intended to represent a live site.

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18:00 - 22:00

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